Do you have any additional comments?
It was one of those novels that I really wanted to love but settled with a liking. It had all the special ingredients. An unlikely hero, a justice seeking bloodthirsty barbarian, even a love interest or two. Heck the meddling gods were just about as awesome as could be described.

But it just didn’t come together in the way I would have loved. Let me say it was a very good listen. I actually went through Jeff Hayes new novels to find this one and bought it on the spot. He never lets me down with his narrations.

The problem was the disconnect with the story and the main character. He was such an unlikely hero that he didn’t want to be there. There were moments he would spring into action and make it seem like he could become better than himself, say like a hero should. But then wham I do not want to be a hero I wanna go home. And that really left a bitter taste in the mouth sometimes.

Without spoilers more than I already have alluded to I gotta say it does redeem itself in the later stage of the novel. He grows up, character growth is really important and maybe I’m just so used to clear concise goals that this novel left me a little off.

I will of course get the next book when it comes out to audible. It was by no means bad it just wasn’t a shining beacon,, I have a feeling the next book the hero will be the hero I thought he could be from the beginning.