Sweet, decadent candy that you know won’t fill you up but is too good to put down.
The narrators were AMAZING even if I did have to speed up the tempo slightly for the female narrator to keep her from grating on my nerves. But the characterization was definitely on point!! And very smart to get a talented male for all seven male voices. He did an excellent job and the narrator can make or break a story.
That being said, the female lead was hard to like. I am all for women’s empowerment and free choice with your sexuality but it has to make sense and with more of a backstory this could have been longer and better. Everything felt rushed including how swiftly she jumped into bed w/the men and then wondered how her choices could have led to her consequences. She s÷eemed too ditzy to be a scientist. The storyline was good but underdeveloped and thus also felt rushed.
The sex scenes were straight out of a girl’s fantasies but light on details and glossed over at points, again…RUSHED.
Review from Snow and the Seven Men →