Ok, so I agree with many of the readers/listeners here that these books are being churned out and that Audible is charging a lot for a series of shorter novels in general (e.g., Spellbound series). Yes, it will be pricey to continue listening–although I noticed some of the books are “included” with my Audible plan. But I do wish Audible would bundle some of these (and not skimp the writer and narrator out of their fees and royalties).

From my years in publishing, sadly the writers don’t make that much–except the truly famous. If I thought the writer and narrator were getting the bulk of the funds, I would not complain–but I imagine the royalties are narrow.

However, this series is fun. And after being cooped up for more than a year, I am fine with the the game-like nature of The Messenger series. How are our intrepid travelers going to get out the latest mess? It’s a treasure hunt with wacky and clever solutions–most of the time. And I like the snarky dialogue and banter. Gives me something to focus on instead of pandemics, inequality poverty, politics, declining democracy.

And of course, if Jeffery Kafer were reading a phone book, I would listen. The cadence of his voice and subtle inflections of his characters transports me to a relaxing place no matter what he is reading. Definitely healing for my soul during Covid.