A funny story about the “misadventures” of a mimic. The story is laced with RPG elements from levels and stats, to skills; even menu screens people can pull up in their minds.
It is for the most part very light hearted with only the occasional lewd scene, and imagery that doesn’t stick around for to long -or go into to much detail- before resuming the narrative. The only major pitfall with the story is it tends to repeat itself a few times more then necessary, such at if a character is getting spammed a message, the book will actually read out the message multiple times in a very small span of time. One of the few instances where “tell don’t show,” is actually the correct decision.
Fortunately though, the narrator nails the voice acting. Not only being a nice, narration, voice to listen to; but also getting the character voices perfectly. Each character has a very distinct voice, letting you easily keep track of who’s talking, and their voice fluctuation perfectly lines up with how they are feeling in the story.

Would recommend to anyone who is looking for a light hearted fantasy story, that doesn’t take itself very seriously, and can handle a bit of cussing and a little lewd imagery.