So i am a fan of Dakota Krout, I am enjoying these books even though I have lots of issue with them. I wont repeat the repeating issues outlined in my book 2 review.

These books are really about the side stories, the side characters, and the side places. And, I can enjoy them for what they are.

This book does have one giant thing that didn’t hold any water. Someone was bound to a place through a silly event, but there was a loop hole that could have been used immediately. It was silly for the event to happen, and then it was silly to not immediately undo the damage. But really, aren’t you supposed to just sit on motivation, power, and opportunity?

I would also like to point out that most of the time Krout’s magic things are very well thought out. They are forms that have a clear function. This keeps things very consistent. But, for some reason there is a bunch of “magical facts from the past” in this book. They are declared to be “super high quality, very potent, and desirable”, But, their function or benefit was not clear like spirals, fractals, or any of the other magical construct. Which means they may not actually fit into the magic system. They sounded cool, but may just be form without function.

But hey, I will get book 4.