I am so incredibly disgusted…infuriated this book is nothing but rape and molestation!! I’m not joking the FMC rubs from this guy and wants nothing to do with him. But he is grossly obsessed with her. Seriously at one point he finds her, forces himself on her, rubs his manhood on her privates, makes her body react and then says that she wants him! Just because the body reacts does not mean she is willing! Even if your raped your body may still act like a body does. But she begs him to get off of her and he keeps holding her down rubbing on her. Later in the book he literally forces one of the guys to suck him and says that it is punishment!!!!! He is punishing him by sexually abusing him! And the author makes this seem ok! I will fight to get this off of audible because I am not ok with rape or molestation or sexual abuse and I have NEVER EVER in audible or tv or movies have I even seen someone “normalize” sexual abuse! I seriously cried in disgust during those scenes in this book! There should at leave be a disclaimer that there is sexual abuse disguising itself as entertainment in this book!! I will go to social media, goodreads, amazon and whatever place I can go to make it know that this is a absolute disgusting book! Trust me, if you have a past or triggers, don’t read this book…it is sick my stomach hurts honestly!!