Narrator is at top of his game. Love his fast talking Reznick.

Even my husband likes listening to these stories. With his background, that speaks volumes. Meyerstein and Reznick’s character growth and relationship is moving right along at a good clip.

Now, as to his daughter Lauren. Smh?, the girl is braver than she is smart. She jumps in without proper training. With her Dad being former Delta, that should be pretty easily remedied. First, she needs trauma medical training and should carry a small case in her backpack and inside an inner coat pocket. Second, Krav Maga training so she learns to use whatever is at hand. Third training with Reznick’s hacker buddy. With these things accomplished, she won’t be superwoman, but pretty darn close. She’s young enough to take the Krav while finishing college then spend the summer before FBI training with hacker. She’ll truly be an asset then. So where’s the next book already???