Kindergarten teacher Arlo’s family meets in Amsterdam for Christmas, and his brother brings best friend Jack along. Which is wonderful and horrifying, because Arlo’s had a crush on Jack forever. Due to a booking error, the two end up sharing a room. Could it be any more awkward? How is Arlo supposed to stop himself from staring longingly at the man of his dreams at inopportune moments? But when those longing glances are returned, can the two of them find more than friendship together without destroying Jack’s relationship with Arlo’s brother?

This fun, quirky rom com had me laughing all the way through. Arlo is a delight. He’s unrestrained and over-the-top, while Jack likes to make things orderly to keep stress in check. It’s opposites attract in the best way. Don’t miss it!

Thanks, Gay Romance Reviews, for the audio ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.