the second installment of the Shadow Master is as hilarious and formulaic as the first. people who gave the first book five stars really like the author and were in no way paid off. this book is the example of the overall quality of independent writing. As someone who consumes over 300 doughnuts a year, my eye for excellence is sharp and this story if you can call it that delivers on every fundamental level delivering character development and depth while going for cheap jokes causing laughter all through the Meandering plot the book consists of scene set up all about one amazing joke after another and repeated for over 40 chapters. the protagonist a villain named Jackson is little more than an antihero and clearly the authors wish fulfillment put to paper the entire book feels like an excuse for the author to put to page the thoughts that I have in my mind everyday think of it as a published work of comical art but with more stupidity and laughter full of edginess and a lot of sounding cool. while I appreciated the laughs provided there is little else to really enjoy in this book except the two dimensional characters repeated scenes and blatant rip off of archetypes. in summation unless you’re a fan of the insipid vapid brain candy that is Indie books these days defiantly buy this book for a plane ride, a long drive and don’t wait till it’s on sale… the ending is brilliantly hilarious, I must have looked quite ridiculous rolling down the interstate laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes..
oh yeah and the narrator does an amazing job of conveying the humor and different characters… including himself ?
Review from Villains Pride →