Was almost a good book. I never really liked Zack, being a narcissistic hypocrite is one thing, but having to pull a deus ex machina just to keep him relevant… It erks me, sure if you are going to go “time is ‘wibbly wobbly, timey wimey'”, but to establish a narrative about how powers work for 3 books then just take a big dump on them.

So… I need to vent. For context, they fight the King in yellow, who is a God in the Cthulhu mythos. He traps them in dreams, but somehow Zack, the weakest person in the party… somehow manages to become a God through sure will, and frees himself. In a previous book, he did forge his mind, but the author attributes his success to skills, which are previously said not to work. Even Ryun’s eyes don’t see anything despite a couple few chapters prior that his eyes don’t see anything but essence and powers. Somehow, Zack is the only one to notice the world is nothing but mind essence. And, to add insult to injury, everyone experienced a dream where they didn’t gain anything in a few years… only Zack managed to gain power from his dream that was somehow a trillion years.

There are a couple of other large plot holes, but I can’t be bothered to go on another rant.

If you liked the series so far it might be worth a read if you have nothing better to do.