I started listening to these because of Phil Thron. I’ll listen to anything he narrates. That said I really liked the first book in the series it was quite funny. Second book was a little more monopythony less Douglas Adams E but still very funny and enjoyable. 3rd and 4th books got much darker lost a lot of their sense of humor in a little repetitive but enjoyable. This 5th book feels like the author knows it was forced and I really enjoyed the humor at the beginning poking fun at sequels and the expectations around them. Quite humorous. From that though it was more the same and I can tell that he’s running out of gas and really isn’t enjoying writing these as much anymore. Though in his defense it’s kind of hard as he pokes fun at keeping things the same and moving them forward at the same time. I still strongly suggested and feel like it could be one of the last ones in the series but we’ll see.