I checked probably 4 times that this was indeed book 2 of the series, it constantly references “the last two years” but they are just vague statements that mean nothing. This constantly felt like book 3 or 4. I legitimately wanted to know what was gonna happen between Jason and his blonde love (I did forget her name by this time) and would have been much more interested in seeing the crew grow to becoming a good team, building their relationships and history. in this it’s just “they are all close friends” with nothing to show us that happened, I won’t be continuing the series since I barely finished this one due to the mentioned problems.
Those aside, i really enjoyed the first book, still like the concept and characters and wanted to see where things went after the first book, but apparently we aren’t getting that. Yes, I’m a tad bitter about it.
Paul isn’t the greatest narrator but he is enjoyable and pleasant to listen to, definitely not a deal breaker, unfortunately he isn’t really a deal maker either. There are some others I would continue just for the narrative since the story isn’t bad, just
… Incomplete