I started reading Omega force years ago and I have enjoyed every single book so far. Though this is not Omega Force but Terren Scout Fleete, the universe and it’s occupants are the same. It is so much fun for you to witness Jacob going around a universe you have already visted with his dad Jason. Every time Jacob gets into something I love how he reacts when someone shows up that either knows his father or ows his father. He is so new at the operative thing that it is almost as if I am reading Omega Force again for the first time. The diffrence is that if you have read the Omega books then you already have seen many of these places and can wonder on how Jacob will react. I advise you to read this book because it is a fun action movie turned into novel. We all need some hope in these times and Jacob helps show us how a litttle hope and resolve can get you through. By the way I absolutly love the end and cannot wait for the next book in the series. I give it four thumbs waay up!
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