Finishing the first in the series, “Skeleton Crew,” I was wondering where Gre7g could take Kanti’s story next. “Small World” continues the first book’s twisting of fate for the titular geroo, this time with dozens of others. The cast is thrust into an alien environment where precautions must be satisfied if they are to survive. They’re technological background serves as both a crutch and a burden in their new lives, with access to information and resources limited. As time carries on, we begin to see the transformation of a society. Where it may be headed is a mystery I’m anxious to explore in the third book.

Like “Skeleton Crew” and the “White Flower II” series by Rick Griffin (also part of the same continuity), Piers Ryman delivers an excellent narrative performance, giving each character their own voice. Gre7g’s writing style is engaging, and the pacing adjusting as needed. Exposition is neither vague nor drawn-out; it is written to provide you with the necessary information at a given time.

My only two concerns. 1) I was hoping Sarsuk would play a bigger role, with his close proximity to the cast. However, it is a minor issue being as the story is more about the geroo and less of the krakun.

2) A couple of chapter titles near the end of the story felt more like placeholders, those being of names of certain characters. I say this being as these two characters are introduced early in the book and have significant focus on them in multiple chapters. So I was a little confused why THESE two chapters used their names. To be fair, it never deterred my interest in the story, and it feels to be less of a concern compared to the previous book.

Apart from the two minor criticisms, I enjoyed the story throughout and never once felt disinterested. Happy to five-star this and look forward to “Fair Trade.” 😉