As we delve into the 2nd Novel from the Stealth Ops Series, we find an interesting backstory from Owen York and Samantha McCarthy. These two characters are tied to an incident that happened ten years ago and they are driven to find answers to questions that have been long since buried. However, what they find could endanger not only themselves, but their very way they live their lives.

Owen and Sam have instant chemistry from the first meeting and as it grows it solidifies itself and becomes vital to their lives. Jeffrey Kafer and Heather Costa are excellent at bringing these characters to life. Their ability to shift into other voices for other characters are quite notable. Jeffrey does an excellent job with Liam’s Aussie accent.

I enjoyed this book even more as an audio listener. I LOVED READING THE BOOK, but by LISTENING to the book, it gives you an even extra level of emotion and taps into experiencing the story through aural characterization.