Thirteen year old Keith is your average kid with normal parents and a tight circle of friends, but he never really seems to stand out. The only time the teachers seem to notice him is when he stands up to the bullies at school to protect his friend. One day after a particularly rough fight, he takes a new route home and stumbles on a yard sale run by a lonely old woman. There Keith finds a book, Crypts & Creepers, that introduces him to a whole new world.

This is a YA GameLIT with little violence or cursing, it’s appropriate for all ages. I’d definitely recommend it for adults too, even if you’ve never played Dungeons and Dragons. I’ve never played, and I didn’t even know what a module was, but I had no trouble playing along. One thing I like about this author’s writing is that it’s obvious he’s passionate about gaming and genuinely loves it, and wants to share that with his readers. By the time the book ended, I was tempted to look up a local group to play myself!

I was really surprised by this book, I didn’t expect it to be so darn funny! This book proves that you’re never too old to appreciate a good fart joke. There were so many times I was laughing out loud and missed the next sentence, and rewound the audio only to crack up again. I loved every one of those teen boys, and Tira especially was a treat. Their conversations were so real and relatable, the author did a great job bringing them to life. Usually when I read a book for the first time, I’m eager to reach the ending, but this time I just wanted it to keep going. It was a really great read.

The narration was really well done, with a warm voice that wasn’t young but still fit the story perfectly. It drew me right into the story. I requested a copy of the audiobook, and I’m voluntarily leaving a review.