⭐️⭐️⭐️ for effort 😐

The concept is interesting but the story needs a bit of work to make it good. Some of the sentences are almost obligatory for the subject but they don’t really add to the story’s interest. it is almost as if the author added them because it was expected for the genre, but they didn’t add materially to the story. The story could have been shorter and more to the point and would probably have been more interesting.

There were a couple interesting points but they were overshadowed by the confusing narration. There was not enough differentiation between character voices, so half my confusion was trying to figure out which character was speaking..even the female characters were indecipherable from the male characters, and I had to rewind a couple times to figure out which character was speaking.

Honestly the narrator was not terrible, but his style would lend it characteristics better to single voice narration, like manuals or documentaries or non-fiction were voice characters are not needed.