I’m not really sure what happened with this book. I have read several books by Ms. Hunter and have really enjoyed them, but this one just could not hold my interest. I started listening on audio and I must have had to restart, or rewind more times than I could count. I even fell asleep three different times while listening.

Life happens and maybe at this point in mine, this was just not something that peaked my interest. Even after all of the rewinding and restarting, I still never really understood the whole “why” of the premise and why the supposed “human” female MC was targeted and had to be held in the Underworld. I’m sure it was explained, but it might have been one of those times when I wasn’t exactly awake. The narrator – Amelia Hugh – is not one I’m familiar with so I couldn’t say off the top of my mind if I’ve listened to her before, but the similar tone might have been part of the issue – Honestly, I’m not sure.

I feel awful writing this and can honestly say that with over 1000 books in my Audible library, I have only fallen asleep on less than a handful. It is NOT a habit nor a pattern so it might just be that I’m exhausted this week.

Will I attempt another series by Ms. Hunter? Of course, I have enjoyed her writing in the past…this was the exception and not the rule and well….this one was just not for me.