I forced myself to buy and listen to this book even though reviews of it and already having read the first one did not leave me with much hope that it would be any kind of an improvement.

A large reason for why I finally buckled under and got it was that the Soundbooth Theater team are the narrators for this story. They usually do a great jobb.. This one not so much.. tbh I was rather shocked at the poor quality of work they did. I found more then a few sentences being narrated in the wrong characters voice. On the whole it was not at all up to snuff. So I was even more disappointed then I thought possible.

I will not be giving this so called author a third chance.
For anyone reading this review I suggest that you browse the so called critical reviews on amazon for more in-depth information on the faults and inadequacies that this book and the series as a whole suffer from.

My recommendation is: Do not get this one!!