There are very few books that make me laugh out loud as much as this series. In a world absolutely inundated with bad litrpg and isekai shows, the genre was getting stale and I almost didn’t start this series, but I am so glad I did. It’s an interesting world, both in the dungeon and out. The system makes sense, without getting bogged down in stats like so many other litrpg do. These are real people with enhanced powers trying to survive the weirdest apocalypse ever, not video game characters grinding in a game world. Matt Dinniman is a master at creating a living universe and building storylines that don’t get bogged down and just keep ramping up. Every book is more exciting than the last, with this book being the most epic so far. The idea of this escalating even further as we approach the ninth floor is exciting and horrifying all at once. And I honestly couldnt even imagin reading or listening to this book without the sound booth narration. They tend to be hit or miss in other books, but I could not imagine this story without Carl’s exhausted muttering, Donut yelling “MONGO NO!” in the background at random intervals, and the occasional goat screams which almost always have me on the floor. I wish these were released more often, but perfection like this takes time. I’ll buy every story in this universe Matt can think of for as long as he can keep this Rollercoaster on the tracks.