If you have read previous books by Lily Morton, you will see here the connection of the characters from previous stories. While it isn’t technically necessary to have read the preceeding series (Mixed Messages), it will enhance your background for this series.

We have Silas, eldest brother to Henry (Risk Taker) and stepbrother Ivo. As the oldest son, he has inherited a sprawling property and the earldom from their father, who left it in debt up to the rafters. Silas also has a thriving veterinary practice, which leaves little time to sort out renovations, and hires (via Niall) a house manager, Oz.

Oz is the heart of the book. He is lion-fierce when protecting those he considers his own. He takes charge of the renovations and worms his way into the hearts of everyone at the manor, especially Silas. There is the predicted tension with the idea Oz has that he, a poor Irish lad from London, could be enough for the country lord, but that’s really simplifying the depth of their journey and the wonderful tale. Morton’s descriptions of Cornwall are almost a third character, and I would love to tramp through this seaside country just based on what I have experienced through the book. Finally, Joel Leslie’s narration is magnificent. I am American so I can’t attest to the authenticity of his many accents, but his interpretation of the different characters was breathtaking.

I recommend highly both this book and the ones prior. Stay for the Epilogue; it’s epic.