The performance is amazing. Travis has a gift for narration. Unfortunately the story itself is bad.
It’s not written bad, the writing actually is pretty good. It’s just unenjoyable. In cultivation stories the MC usually goes through trial and tribulations and grows stronger from hard work and dedication. In this book the MC is actually weaker most of the way though than he started out because of the constant and unreasonable beat downs and poor turns of fate. There is no hard work and improvement, just constant random people making the main characters life worse and making him weaker. It’s just honestly depressing and not at all inspiring like a good cultivation book should be. There is nothing to look forward to or victories to savor. Just beat down and poor turn of fate after another. Think he’s finally earned a victory? Just kidding the reward is actually him getting weaker. Secret thing that may be an advantage? Nope it actually makes him weaker.
Review from Street Cultivation →