About half of this book is the various characters going over their stats over and over and over. I read a lot of reviews complaining about the non binary characters characters, I did not care about them in fact one of them died almost Immediately. The problem with this book is that it was nothing over and over. I’m not even kidding you When I say that this book could have been a short story. Really this author just got crazy crazy lazy and did not want to put out a book of the same quality of the 1st one. I’m I’m tempted to not go and read the 3rd book, but at the same time that 1st book was really good so I think I will give it a try try. There is literally one more chance for me to continue this series , if the next book is not better than this one…. then I’m done
spoiler of the crappy book.
Save your credits or money. The only thing that happens in this book is that that Zach gets strong find someone who’s crazy and likes to likes to see the horror and people’s eyes when they’re dying, then helps the person escape. Ryun is in this book very little. What he does do in this book is fight demonstrators fight the monsters swarm, comma avenge the former head of his sacked because he was killed killed, rather betrayed , then the most significant part is that he figures out he can go up in the sky to get void chi. After that he realizes that has bonded sword is not a good match for him and unbonds it and gives it to his 2nd in command and then assigns her as the sec head while he goes out to get strong. I just saved you over 30 hover of nothing