Ok, I have no Idea why the author ruined this series. If I wanted to read a 13 year old middle school romance novel and drama, I would be reading romance. This book (almost 28 hours long) is a good 15 hours of awful teen drama bad romance. Even the few chapters where the MC levels, he no longer actually plays as an RPG game, he doesn’t even city build, he trains in a chamber with his love interest but the training is really just the setting during the entire time its still bitchy romance crap.

O and he is a necromancer right?! Nope his units are crap and die so easy, he also gets nerfed so he can’t build a skeletal army anymore (point of the entire book so far…) and now he is a melee dark sometimes I cast magic staff monk something or other… Yeah…

20 hours into the book, does he fight a single real enemy… Does he engage in a single real battle… Nope… Does he 20 hours in STILL drama about the girl and constantly whine worse (yes worse) than the twilight novels… YES… I had to set this book down so many times because the bitchy annoying complaining that sounds like it comes from a 13 year old cry baby OMG. I have 2 hours of this book left, If by the end of this book he is STILL bitching about the girl I will never read another book from this author again. So much for the epic LitRPG turned middle school romance series Awaken Online. If I could give this 0 stars for story I would.