I was not sure what to think about this becoming a series of books. There are a lot of violent scenes dealing with animals, children and domestic situations in this book that should have some kind of warning on it.

The second book is not as cute or endearing as the second book. I was also expecting more from Emma instead we got a standard heroine who is naïve about relationships. I also didn’t see how Brandon was a good match for her other than proximity.

The author did up the consequences and intensity of this book which kind of made some of the scenes too unbelievable even for a paranormal romance. I did love Gaucho but the incorporation of Otterlegs into the story was just stupid and unnecessary. The Otterlegs side plot takes so much away from the story, and it is like the author was trying to use this as humor. It didn’t work because the main plot is so dark. The author did a great job of including Bert, Lucius and Tallulah in the story. The narrator is good, but I did find the voices starting to get a little confusing except for Lucius.