Jordan, aka Jessie’s sister, has been in both of the previous stories, as a result this one includes several scenes we are familiar with, but from a different perspective, and timeline wise it overlaps with Razor’s story.

Jordan is a fun, and interesting character to go on a journey with for several reasons, among them being the fact we know / understand why people are tempted to walk on eggshells around her, and why some might treat her as fragile, but she is determined to heal, to recover, and find her way, even if that requires struggling and facing frustrations others might avoid.

When it comes to Dagger… while this story was written such it can stand alone, I feel I enjoyed it so much because I’ve been listening to the stories back to back in audible. The relationship that forms between Dagger and Jordan in Hunter’s story is most definitely the foundation for what we get here. Discovering their own strength through one another, motivating and inspiring one another, it’s all there from the start, when they are supporting characters to another story… but here, there are some role reversals as well as progression.