Im an immigrant so never knew American history indepth from my school we had a broad general understanding for it and our general knowledge was high, in last 10 years the Rev. War period and its individual players have intrigued me. As my FBI agent at naturalization said in 96 most Americans today wont know the answers to the questions we ask. Sad because people in history are interesting and can teach us alot both bad and good. I think its far worse today with ignorance of native born Americans.
Hancock was someone I knew nothing about expect the signature attribute when I arrived. I am so glad I got this title. I was dubious at first about the narrative.i thought its going to be one sided and I wont really learn anything. I like multifaceted biographies from authors who want to learn along with the reader. I get bashing people from 200 yeats ago is in but like 200 years from now we all have good and bad parts to us and want to be judged in a fair light as individuals. I grew to admire and respect him and how he treated others esp. those in need and also amazingly to who were petty and backbiting like John Adams for years. Even in Mc Culloghs book he demonstrates Adams as constantly in pulling others down in order to try to look better (never works) or out of sheer obvious jealousy.
In his short life and through constant pain Hancock reached out and time and again helped others and risked his safety and much or his personal fortune for other Americans and his new country while others like Jefferson and Adams did not.