
Title: His Omega: The Werewolves of Manhattan #1

Author: A.C. Katt

Narrator: Joel Leslie

Format: Audiobook

Publisher: MLR Press

Listening Length: 6hrs 42min

Release Date: 4/17/2017

Genre/ Trope(s): MM Romance; PNR shifters; fated mates; age-gap

SteaMMy Swordplay: 2 out of 5⚔ ⚔ ** while this was a slow-burn, because the lead MC, Armand was an old-fashioned romance kind of guy…wolf…man…it was still quite sensual and stiMMulating!?

Sharonica-Stars: 4 out of 5✨

GoodReads AVG: 3.5?

MMy Thoughts and Review:

Ok- confession time… I found this audio book by searching and picking narrators rather than authors or genres or tropes, though the genre is a given for me and the fact it’s a Shifter series is a plus!?

The Story was okay, but made great by Joel’s narration. He brought the characters and world they lived in to life. I was able to relate and empathize with the pain, confusion and struggles Sean went through and then how that extended when he stumbled, quite literally into Armand’s arms and life.

Even when trouble followed the couple out of the city and onto pack lands, Sean and Armand drew strength from each other and that bled through Joel’s narration.

I read quite a few reviews that mentioned the editing issues in the book. Thankfully, I had no need to worry with that, as Joel Leslie’s voice characters took me from one place to another seamlessly.

I am very much looking forward to listening to book two! ?