This is my second go at this story—the first being an ebook—and Joel Leslie’s narration made the dystopian world JUMP cristal clear into my brain!

Where before I found the world building a bit weak and reliant on our own notions of what a super-controlling and divided dystopian world might look like; here I saw it all with the help of Joel Leslie.

And I’m not discrediting JCP’s writing because it ROCKED! In fact, I’d love to have more stories staged in this world.


Original ebook review:
What a great, sci-fi novella from the always fabulous JCP! This was so much fun to read and slowly pick up on the interesting world-building she created for us in this futuristic, dystopianesque romance!

It’s a classic divide of the haves and the have-nots. Yet it’s the have-nots who have freedom; the haves live a life dictated by the almighty Algorithm. Although JCP doesn’t truly flesh world out, she relies on reader’s pre-conceived ideas of what living in a completely predetermined society would look like. I’ll give her a pass on this one….but I would have liked more detail in this and of both our MC’s families, since they came from the opposite sides of the tracks, so to speak.

Still, JCP showed us the two worlds rather than telling us about them—something which kept the pacing of the story clipping along.

This work proved fun and light despite the dystopian type setting. We got some heat between our MCs and got to see our Boomer (the haves) lose his V-card quite happily…..although it felt somewhat rushed.

Still, JCP is one of my favorite authors in MM romance and I’ll happily read anything she writes!

Enjoy….I sure did!