I never try to give anything away on a book that I hope is listened to by many. The event that makes this post apocalyptic is not unique, actually plausible seeing where we are today. The lead character is Joe. He is not former special forces nor a survivalist with 20 years prepping for this big one. He is smart but makes mistakes. He does use what he has and is observant. He tries to help others realistically, others he can’t help. No one short of Superman could. This makes it realistic.

The psychology of the people he does help is interesting. One female has no training outside of asking for a drink at the country club but she does everything she can to get help from someone that she wouldn’t have looked twice at before the event. Interesting how humans are survivalist. Some are better at it than others.

The Grandmother- I’ve never seen this way of telling a story. She comes on pretty quick in the book so not giving anything away – that he is often lead by a grandparent that has passed. Not through a vist by a ghost, the author does this very well. Again very believable and effective.

He does find friends and they are in peril more than one time. That’s all I will say in that.

I finished book 1 weeks ago and book two is not out as of May 28, 2018. I do know it will be out soon and will be read by awesome Kevin Pierce.

Thanks to the author for weaving in a few instructions through the book without making it seem like a how to guide.

I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.

I was not paid for or given a free book for my review. I just really liked it.