While I enjoyed many parts of this LitRPG, the main character’s misogyny and ignorantly describing a character he believes to be a gay male as having been “born as a woman inside” (which describes gender dysphoria – not homosexuality) make the main character a huge prick. This would be fine if it seemed intentional and he was punished for his character flaws, learned, and grew (or didn’t grow but was continuously punished like pricks who don’t grow are in the real world). However, the other characters who are exposed to his terrible personality don’t seem to respond negatively to those bad behaviors. Thus people don’t hate the main character because he’s a huge prick, but because they dislike the main character’s undead race – which in the world that has been built does work as a motivtion, but it isn’t satisfying. There are better reasons to hate Jack Thorne and much better books to read.

Jeff Hays is an amazing narrator, but I don’t know why he attached himself to this book. Also, the voice he uses for the main character sounds contrived. I know it is meant to be the voice of a death lord, but it make me think of a character that might show up on the Muppet Show.