This one was incredibly brutal to get through, with out Jeff Hays I wouldn’t have finished.

The hardest part of this book was that the author dumps a truck load of new characters both bad guys and good guys into the story. This normally isn’t bad but it was so rushed that all the backstory is given during the main battle and I was constantly like was that the cow lady or the crocodile lady or girl who set herself on fire or maybe that’s the wavy sword lady only to come to the realization that it was the pink haired one … and those are just the bad guys don’t even get me started on the good guys.

Second thing I’d mention was, yes there is a new Trans character and she seems cool but when you have to have an hour or more of lecture on why it’s OK to have one and how life in this new world is going to suck for her it takes away from her value as a character. The more I was lectured the more I felt she was only put there to push an idea or as a virtue signal making it harder to bond with her as a character. I mean she should be a great memorable character first and then she can be the beacon of transgenderism that was ment for her. I feel that this could have been developed over a longer period or as a “side quest” book as some other authors use to truly flesh out a good character.

The final straw for me was the incredibly overt superman ending, or in this case super high priestess ending.

I am probably done with this series even though it’s hard to turn away from the dulcet tones of Jeff Hays(this dude is seriously the goat!) but I think it has to happen. On a side note I think I’m done with all of ludus, literally get so irritated with the whole thing from multiple different books and there is not nearly enough humor or fun to get me through, they are all a slog.