After going with a terrible recommendation and letting myself slip back into a tedious YA series, I needed a book to lighten things up. So I thought that I’d check on The Shadowmaster and see what he had going on.

If you’ve made it to book three then you are well aware of the type of drama, threats, and belittling to expect from The Shadowmaster. This story has all of that and even gives us some suspense. Unlike the earlier books, there is a point where Jackson is in ‘real’ peril. We get a chance to see how he can handle himself without all of the superpower to back him up. To me, this is the first book where he is actually ruthless to the point where I considered him a villain. Personally, I’m that reader/viewer that loves a good villain… like Keith Ledger’s Joker, the Underwood Senator (the character!), Denzel Washington’s Dirty Cop, and one of my favorite is Michael C. Hall’s serial killer of serial killers. So to me Jackson came across more like a dirty politician. Yes, some of them are bad guys, but villain seems like a special type of distinction.

But enough jibber jabber from me…

If you enjoy the character then you will be pleasantly surprised. If you’re undecided, then this will probably be the book that puts the nail in the coffin for you ? For me, placing the story around rescuing his daughter made me more invested. I liked the books because I’ve never read about a character like Jackson. With the baby, it just pulls on my motherly strings and I had to make sure he saved her. Of course nothing happens as expected and by the end you’re torn between cheering for Jackson or wanting to slap the taste out of his mouth. Dang! Amazon is probably gonna block me review for saying that but it’s TRUE.

Jackson (He and I are on a first name basis now) continues with his usual reviewer clap-backs, narcissistic monologues, and even finds time to berate Mathew McConaughey’s leading role chooses. (I slightly agree with that one, but only cause I found his last few movies boring.)

Favorite Quote:”Shoot’em Daddy!” ?

The author continues to bully the narrator, Jeffrey Kafer. This time he even brings in backup. There’s a cameo from narrator, R.C. Bray. In my opinion, Kafer is much better than Bray… but then maybe I dont get a vote since I haven’t heard a single book from this Bray dude… I’ll still go with Kafer. He makes Jackson sound like a sexy ass hole (Just how us good girls like them).

3 Stars ???- Good Book. I like the overall concept and it was delivered well. Most common ranking for a book I enjoyed and look forward to the next.