so in the first book we established the system, where he was from, his goal, the time scale we would be working with, as well letting us know he knows what the world tree is due to his worlds knowledge.

In book 2 the sytem randomly changes with no explanation, how that got through editing I dont know,

hes from earth therefore know of Norse mythology, asgard and the world serpent, etc. I hate when a character stated to be from earth just doesnt know this shit. if not the original stuff then the Hollywood stuff, I mean damb.

his goal is to find his wife who died and was reincarnated. the god that turned him into a snake said he would see her in 300 years, 300 give or take a few decades. that is the timescale the author set. the prologue of this book throws that established information out the window. hell her first sight was a batlle of him and the dragon in the first 3 years he was there so, wtf. please explain.

the scale of creature’s in this fiction is mind boggling. thousands of feet, miles long. then thousands of miles. he is described multiples times as absolutely massive. then he has a quiet conversation to ant size people as if hes a regular size person its confusing and jarring, this happens no matter the size or situation. hes fucking gigantic, see God of War videogame world serpent for reference to a big ass snake. him talking causes the world to fucking shake and moving cause the sea to drain or raise. not hey im tiny like you now.

finnaly his devourer aura. when fighting the dragons immediately after he gets it. the aura conveniently does nothing and isnt mentioned. but as soon as hes out of combat its starts effecting the terrain. i need consistency