First off, I won this book in a raffle. I’m still going to give an honest review.

It was pretty good. The beginning is kind of funny, kind of annoying but they have you all in. Let me tell you how… Theres a talking artifact and he is annoying and hilarious all at once. The main MC that haa this artifact isn’t anyone special but with the artifact… this duo is like two cousins who can’t stand each other but they are close lol. Its makes no sense but eventually you either get annoyed or it becomes endearing lol. With that being said both of them have been dealt a raw hand and its literally them against this game world. Its different and kind of dope.

The down side is… the first half of the book… for me was kind slow. It took me some time to get into it. Mostly because the artifact was too much for me lol. His voice, his attitude and his damn near close to sabotaging, was too much for me lol. I’m no gamer but some things you just don’t do and its messing with someone’s game lol. On the other hand, you know why he does what he does, you empathizer and his snarkiness grows on you lol. I believe some people will eother love or hate the artifact.

Once you get past that half way mark… its on like sonkey kong. And the end …. ohhh the end is everything!

Basically, this book was just a setup for a book two. Its a great start. And if they handle it right, Book two could be epic. Because I think this MC, his artifact and new friends will be up against some fantastic enemies!