After Calvin and Hiroko as well as the Ambassadors of the Xeno ships discover that the Temple on the planet could actually be the birthplace of all sentient species in the galaxy, as well as magic itself, everything changes. Unfortunately, no one can do anything about it, as a massive shield has descended on the Solar System, including the Astral, trapping everyone inside.

The initial reaction of the starships is to attack the shield with absolutely no effect.

Calvin and Hiroko both believe that the shield raised as a result of their encounter with the Vaieen Guardian on Shadow Planet in Part 2.

What follows is a rather intense situation, with each of the 3 factions, the Eyndar, The Zheen and the ARGO Earth Navy, all wanting answers from Hiroko, or looking at taking action of their own. Hiroko meanwhile, continues to put more and more pressure on Kane to bring the shield down, like he is going to have some miracle answer.

These episode of the series (without giving away spoilers), has some fascinating insights into each of the races, we get to learn more about the Marines of the Navy, the inner workings of the Pack Mentality of the Eyndar, and how the Zheen hive mentality also works.

This is also one of those episodes in which we get to see a great deal of Wizarding powers, as Calvin/Cedric unleashes himself in full fury over a couple of things (you will see), and it is totally enthralling to see a Wizard in all his glory. This has to be one of the best bits of these stories, tying in magic into Sci-fi, and making it work so well, but now to have an Origin species, The Vaieen, who have combined both Tech and Magic, makes it all the more brilliant. There are very few episodes in which we see this level of magic unleashed, so for those that love the magical side, this was a real treat.

As with all the episodes, there is some great Characters, and great development of the characters, the 3 Xeno Ambassadors from the Zheen, Stuunji and Eyndar races have to be some of the best characters in the book.

Calvin/Cedric’s character continues to be an outstanding character as he is developed throughout the series as the damaged soul, seeking redemption. Along with Hiroko, and Kane, as well as the cast of secondary characters, there is an exceptional cast in this series.

The Black Ocean Series was extraordinary, and the Astral Prime spin-off is turning out to be just as thrilling. If you were a fan of The Black Ocean Series, you will love this series. Even if you haven’t read the Black Ocean Series, you can still get into this, although it is better if you have read Black Ocean (and trust me, you won’t be disappointed).

Regardless, Astral Prime is a series that should not be missed – Part 3 is just awesome!!

Naramore continues to provide some of the best Narration available on Audible to date. With an incredibly pleasant voice to listen to, and an impressive range of both male and female voices, including Alien voices, Naramore provides outstanding narration of this exceptional series. With the combined exceptional storyline and one of the best Narrators out there, this is one of those series that is a better audiobook than actual book.

Regardless, don’t miss out on this series, it is brilliant.