If you’re looking for a lot of sex- you aren’t going to find it here. You’ll find a delightful main character, excellent world building, an incidental romantic interest, and a lot of tension for not a lot of sex.

I finished the series, which honestly could be stuck together since it’s really a 3 part story and not exactly 3 credit worthy.

I would’ve liked if they’d spent more time on the characters, especially in this one. I really felt like I got to know David, but other than Alan’s obsession over what happened in his past. I didn’t really feel like I ever got to know him or that he was more than incidental. I found the other two stories better for character development.

But you also didn’t get a lot of relationship or sex. Mostly you got world building set up and David being horny. The story comes to a conclusion of it’s own. But since you spent so much of the book reading about the world itself, it’s good to continue to find where that goes. But I wish this book stood more on it’s own.