So here we are, back again with book three of the CBG’s and the story keeps rolling along nicely. Before I begin talking about the book I do want to discuss a controversy that I have long been saying is true. I honestly think Gideon was modeled after our intrepid narrator, JTJ. Just look at them side by side in comparison. There is simply no denying that Justin is Gideon, but both he and Cooper say nay nay to that idea, but I say that not only is Gideon based on Justin Thomas James, that so is the original GI Joe action figure. Just look at the side by side. That means that JTJ is a real American hero! (But he’s Canadian!) Ah, but he’s North American, so he’s still a real American hero. That means that:

He’ll fight for freedom wherever there is trouble,

JTJ is there!


A Real American Hero

JTJ is there.

All right, enough goofing around, thanks prop guy! Like I said, it’s Cherry Blossom Time and you should be very thankful that Harmon didn’t name them the Apple Blossom Girls or I would have been singing you an Andrew Sisters tune from the forties rather than the GI JOE theme.

Book three pretty much picks up right where two left off. Right away we get to see the squad get even more participants, as Gideon picks up another angry hottie and three super teens. Funny how quickly harems grow once they get started. Of course trouble soon follows the addition of the ladies and the team is quickly forced to fight for their lives and freedom. Mel Gibson styled Freeeedoooooommmmmm).

The book is funny in a lot of points and I found myself laughing quite a bit. One thing I did have to wonder about, was whether Harmon Cooper gave a nod to Laurie Catherine Winkel with one of his comments. If you get a chance she stars in a video on You tube called Road . . .Head, and Gideon makes an off handed way. The connection was too funny even if it was unintentional. You get that the book alternates between humorous bits and full blown superhero battles with touches of sexiness sprinkled about. I think my favorite bit was where Gideon was talking to Luke about author titles. I actually laughed so hard that I went back to listen to it again because I missed so much of it. Now, If I could only figure out a way to convince Cooper to have Gideon and Luke to talk about an old fat guy who reviews audiobooks. . . . Still, I hope you realize that I really “get” Cooper’s humor style. The story carries forward just enough that I don’t feel like it isn’t going anywhere, and as per usual he gives us a big reveal at the end of the story. He knows how to keep you interested and on fleek. I have to admit, I have no idea what that even means. On fleek, wtf millenials. WTF?

If you can’t tell I really love SBT and I contemplated not doing two of their books in one episode since I’m wasting very good SBT Spotlight for next week, but this is the naughty special, and both of these books fall into that category. All I can say is that this is a definitive SBT team, the audible avengers have assembled to give us an amazing story. As always, their quality is beyond reproach and they make this whole crazy story so believable.

My final score is 8.1, since the story (much like MSE’s Tamer series) seems to give us just a taste of the bigger picture without a lot of forward movement. Either way, excellent book, amazing series, incredible writing, infectious humor, and intense audio work combine to make this something you won’t want to miss.

Even though I did receive a promo code for this review it in no way influenced my considerations of the material, and in fact, inspired me to be more honest. Getting a code generally makes me harsher as a reviewer as I am more often concerned what someone like Me will decide based on my review.

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