5 stars tells you i like this book. what it doesn’t convey is that little “random” mentions and build ups in two prior books set up (at least for me) the perfect storm of character understanding, world building, and retrospective. To actually feel in the moment what the reader was conveying in such a way that i didn’t realize i’d started to tear up until the first sob burst out. I’m 47…. that just doesn’t happen.
It’s been decades of thin, pandering, cookie cutter dribble trying to nostalgia mine, and life in general that probably lead to alot of this jaded old farts hardened perspective. And not since Terry Pratchett’s Disc World has a written world been so alive to me. I ‘m grateful I found this series. It gives me hope there are more like it not just coming from the author but, just out there in general. Thanks for finding my imaginations soft spot again. can’t wait for more!