I usually love NR Walker gay romance. Here, however, I wasn’t enamoured and it may in some part be because of the vampire and paranormal elements (which can be hit or miss for me). But mostly I think it’s because the main characters are destined to be together and just know this fact without much need to “show” the build up to this fact. Because I was “told” they are meant to be together I felt their connection was more “insta-love/lust” without the groundwork – the slow build of foundations for the love. I needed more groundwork. My daughter listened to some of it (until I banned her because the content proved inappropriate for her age) but she said I’m being too harsh and demanding. The little she heard was 5 stars to her. I, on the other hand, could not become invested and would say 2 stars. I’m told I’m mean.

On the positive side, the world building is fine, and if you’re into vampire stories with lots of drama, intrigue and adventure, this is for you. Also, the incomparable Joel Leslie narrates this story. He is amazing. I have no idea what his origins are, but he has proven to be a voice chameleon. He can do any accent very well. The emotion he invokes with his tone, intonation… sigh… he is a master narrator. If anyone can make you fall in love using the spoken word… it’s him… I love him.

This is the first in a series of novels starring the same main characters, but I am satisfied with the way that the story concluded here. It didn’t have a cliffhanger, just the possibilities for more adventures and danger for the protagonists who are now secure in each other’s love and lives. I won’t be reading more novels in this series, but I can imagine others loving the series and devouring each continuing story.