For the most part this book was low angst and an effortless read, but it didn’t work for me on many levels. But it also seems like I’m a minority in this, so please feel free to ignore me.

I’m not too fond of Kirt Graves as narrator. He doesn’t really differentiate between the characters so at times it’s a bit difficult to keep up with which character is narrating/speaking. Don’t get me wrong, he is very pleasant to listen to but you need to focus much more than with other narrators.

For me to really enjoy a books I need to like the main characters, when I don’t I spend the time being irritated on one/both of them instead of enjoying the story being told. Such was the case here. I never really liked Joel. Sure he’d always been bullied by his dad. But at some point he need to be able to stand up for himself. Joel never did. Instead went behind the back of people he claimed to love and respect. He knew what he did was wrong and that it would hurt those very people, but he kept on doing what he did anyway. I’m sorry, but that is not okay in my book.

I’m also a big fan of slow-burn romances. Where things are allowed to take time, to develop naturally. I can believe in that, I believe in those feelings. Here we got insta love.

I do believe a lot of people will like this book, so don’t discard it because I didn’t like it. The writing is solid, and who knows, the rest of the series might work better.

A copy of this audiobook was provided in exchange for an honest review