I had high hopes: the first book in a series, it was a good length and the positive reviews weren’t all formulaic-of-questionable-origin write-ups.

Alas things didn’t pan out, While I resent paying full price for stories that clock in at 5 to 6 hours that is what this book should have been. It really dragged. There wasn’t a lot of tension, the author could have benefited from more research into the lifestyles of billionaire CEO’s and top flight surgeons. These guys were just going through the motions and seemed to resent that their work hours didn’t fit into a 5 day, 9-5 schedule…..sorry but that’s the reality and they don’t generally spend time complaining about how “hard” they work. The issues with celebrity status, mean girls and the over-the-top depression from losing a patient were artificial and one dimensional. That successful billionaire professionals put up with irritating ex…girlfriends(?), escorts(?),f*** buddies (?) or concerned themselves with individual HR staffing levels issues was not credible.

I sped through the playback during the second half and would be listening to the rest of the series. It’s a pity, I wanted to like this one.