the main character is all over the place… She’s an enigma. She’s at times super tough, clever, intelligent, resilient, self reliant (wants to be at least), hard working, mama bear badass. Then.. she’s annoying, thoughtless, entitled, egotistical, narcissistic, not very bright (at times downright clueless) cmplete bitch of woman.
After writing all that.. I’m thinking that she’s very well written, and a pretty good likeness, or version of most anybody in reality. I think that the reason I disliked her so much was that I saw similarities between her and I. Not a carbon copy, just similar. The way we all put on a facade for others. Kind of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde type of thing.
So I guess it’s a well written novel, and she’s a rather decent character. Especially because I disliked her so much. On a personal level.
Totally worth listening to.