The Prologue set the tone for whether or not I was going to like this book. While listening to Ms. Puckett, I could picture who Charlie Oded was and what she was feeling. It was very easy to see things through Charlie’s eyes. Reed Windsor was another matter. Don’t get me wrong; I liked listening to Mr. Campbell but not when he attempted to do an American accent. Personally, I wouldn’t have minded if he read the whole story with his natural accent. Every time he tried to Americanize; I wanted to laugh which I didn’t feel was fair to the author.

Other than that I really enjoyed the story. Ms. Graham did a great job of creating a romance that I could laugh at. I live not too far from Tanglewood and our author had me wanting to go up there and then listen to the book again. In the story, Reed is in Maine and that’s someplace else where I could take this book. And that would be an issue; I think I would prefer to read the book because I found myself looking for the parts where Mr. Campbell tried to do his American accent which would take my attention away from what else was going on. But maybe with Tanglewood as my setting, it could change my mind.

Besides our main characters, I came to look forward to the secondary characters. They helped me come to understand our couple. This is just something else that Ms. Graham is good at. She shows that not all books are about the main characters getting it on. She builds their world and leads us through it in a very pleasant way. It’s not hard picturing myself becoming friends with them. The ending left me laughing which was a great way to end the story but in a quirky way it was also very romantic. And that just left me looking forward to more of this author’s work.

I voluntarily reviewed an Audiobook copy of this book.