I have about 3 more hours left of this story, but I feel like I’ve been forcing myself to finish this story since before half way through.
Alistar was pretty sympathetic in the first book and all his achievements felt earned and his losses were impactful, but he’s just seems so unrealistic now. He’s a 20 year old gamer whose father was in the military, so I can understand his mostly immature personality, but the author is having a very hard time convincing anybody that Alistar is literally the only person on planet earth able to figure accomplish anything outside of survival. He mostly trips into his achievements rather then earn them especially since his leadership tool bag consists of gifts, death threats, and out right murder. He literally blows a guy away just because he was told by other people that the guy was a bad guy.
Don’t get me started with the quote on quote bad guys in this story. They are almost cartoonishly one dimensional evil doers that mostly pose so little threat to Alistar that I don’t know why the author even bothered. How is it that none of these bad guys even bothered to make a strong hold or even learn magic? Alistar’s group has 50 caliber machine guns and howitzers, but I’m suppose to be on the edge of my seat when he goes up against a group of baddies? The only losses Alistar ever sustains are a hand full of nobodies unless something changed in the last 3 hours. The monsters pose some threat, but those fights are more or less fillers. I found myself rooting for the other guy in most scenarios after a while just to mix things up.
I’m probably not going to continue this series anymore. I don’t like Alistar and I really don’t like the brain dead planet he lives on. The mechanics of the apocalypse they live in isn’t even complicated, but how is it that Prince Alistar, a 20 year old gamer with the people skills of a gerbil, is the only one capable of figuring anything out. He is literally the first person on the planet to achieve everything.
I waited a long time for the second book and I don’t even know why.