This book in and of itself is amazing! I was already a huge fan of Nathan Lowell’s Golden Age of the Solar Clipper universe, the multiple series of which are all fantastic!!! Without giving anything away, this book establishes the history of Sarah Krugg, before her misadventures aboard the solar clipper Lois McKendrick (Traders Tales #2, Half Share). It also nicely follows Otto Krugg’s life from the previous book in the Shaman’s Tales series “South Coast”. What does the only daughter of the Shaman do when only first born sons are allowed to carry the title Shaman? This book takes a hard look at the damage induced by a Patriarchal society. Meanwhile weaving a tale of hope and strife on a girl trying to fit in, when she’s so obviously outstanding! As I’ve listened to all these series as audiobooks I have to congratulate Jeffrey Kafer on another fine performance. He is a delight to listen to! Nathan Lowell has a steadfast position in my top ten favorite authors. His character development leaves no room but to care about his characters as he deftly plucks your heartstrings like a well tuned symphony orchestra!!!