This is very entertaining collaboration between five authors who write in the Zompoc genre. The authors did a great job tying these stories together. Each story had its own merits and the melding of them all was great!

This book gives the reader everything we have come to expect and enjoy in a Zompoc book. You have some common everyday people who are just trying their best to cope with what is happening, trying to protect those they love. You have a few trained mercenaries who are just trying to earn their pay. There are the expected roadblocks as our protagonists try to reach the safety of a military run zone in El Paso. Evil men out to get whatever they can from a woman travelling by herself and said woman doing what every female hopes she will do.

The authors did not have a problem with killing off some of the characters that the readers are pulling for, which makes it more realistic since not everybody comes out alive. The action is plentiful, but there are some emotional moments as the survivors deal with these deaths.

I loved the addition of the Sidney’s cat, Rick James. It is not uncommon to have a dog (like Clay’s dog, Rufus) in a Zombie book, but this is first time I have come across a cat. I love that Sidney goes to so much trouble to include Rick in her adventure.

The addition of a possible conspiracy by persons unknown adds a new flavor to a genre that sometimes seems stale. This book can be read as a standalone, but it does end without a resolution. I will definitely be reading the stories of my favorite characters to see what happens next.

The narrator did a great job, but he did have a pretty fast pace at times. All in all, an enjoyable book for the Zombie enthusiast.