I really enjoyed the overall tone of the story and the world building so far. I hope there is more story to unfold even more of this world and the characters and the supernatural beings with in it.

I may not be a writer, but I am a consumer of the written/spoken word. And one trend that I see being ground into urban paranormal is this self flagellating style of character development. Can we stop? Please? These characters can be well developed and be imperfect and even antihero-like without the constant, self loathing and self flagellating, that appears in this book. I can deal with the over-the-top, snarky remarks better than with that. Hint: less snark and more substance please. In an audiobook I feel snark may become overkill very fast.

While this character does not appear as misogynistic as Jim Butcher’s earlier work (why I stopped reading his books after one) why do writers have such a difficult time relating to a strong, female character? Why does she have to come off like a nag just because she is determined, bad assed, and holds the main character accountable for his actions? Ortiz comes off more like a supernatural bully to Vincent than a partner. It’s such a shame as her role could be so much more with less of her written angst.

Anyway I may consider the third book after a long break and if there is a fourth. I love a series and this one has the makings of a long running one in my opinion. I’m cheering for this author to grow this world and its characters.