Listened entire book in one day only to be left hanging with incomplete ending. I am a Southern gal and can detect one ‘drawl’ from another. This BADLY done accent became less so as story continued except for voice of friend Jazzy. Yikes that was screechy and whiney forcing me to adjust volume just to get thru her earlier parts. Overall, it was hard to get a read on MFC: 22 yr old and still a virgin was more believable than portraying her as silly teenager one minute and then as an intelligent and well read young woman the next. Then eventually an aspiring artist who doesn’t seem to take her talent seriously until Voila.. a piece is sold for big bucks and now she’s gonna be all the rage locally? Jeez. Lastly, why have a male narrator that is not voiced thru entire story until the end. ?? This author left me feeling she got tired of dragging out the story and just picked a cutoff point?