First of all, this is a really amazing bargain! Definitely get this set, 55+ hours of an extremely entertaining story for just one credit is a can’t miss a deal!

If you liked Mountain Man, I think you will really like this story too. Adair has re-imagined the zombie apocalypse genre with this refreshing new take (at least to me) on how a virus that changes most people into ravening beasts can affect those infected in dramatically different ways (no more on that so as not to spoil the story). Just like in Mountain Man, you have a regular guy, an everyman so to speak, without any military or other special survival skills ( very much to the contrary), struggling to survive in a world gone completely crazy from anything he had experienced before which made him much more relatable. The main character, Zed, has a strong bond with his friend Murphy which gives the story a strong personalized element with Murphy often acting as his sounding board and sanity check, not that Zed heeds Murphy’s advice as often as he should, which sometimes creates some very interesting situations. There is also an element of humor at times that is a refreshing break amid all the killing and gore (hey, it’s a ZA story after all). Zed is self-reflective, frequently questioning his motives and the morality of his actions, probably just like anyone remotely sane would do under the same circumstances, which gives him a real personality and that makes his character even more believable.

The narration is very good, giving each character enough personality to be distinctly different and yet not hackneyed. I very much enjoyed the narrator’s different “voices” and accents and the pace of his narration.

I strongly recommend this set to anyone who enjoys ZA stories. It definitely delivers!!